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Vendor Registration | Sales, Distribution, and OEM Authorisation Zjell LTD

We invite you become our supply chain partner and authorised vendor for selling your products to ZJELL LTD in selective markets. We help our vendors & supply chain partners to find best business opportunities and growth potential in target markets in B2B segments for large volume monthly MOQ sales. We deploy main sales channels: OEM B2B sales in our own brand ZJELL, Vendor's Brand, or other popular brands available in the market through toll or contract manufacturing agreements. To become our supply chain partner and authorise ZJELL LTD to start buy and sell your products please fill and send Vendor Registration form.

Vendor Registration

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Bonham Strand, Sheung Wan,

Central Western, Hong Kong - 999077

Tel: +852 81974497

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Location of ZJELL Partners: Singapore | Manchester | Dubai | Tokyo Delhi | Shanghai | Sao Paulo | Mexico City | Dhaka | Cairo | Beijing | Mumbai | Osaka | Karachi | Chongqing | Istanbul | Buenos Aires | Kolkata | Lagos | Kinshasa | Manila | Tianjin | Rio De Janeiro | Guangzhou | Moscow | Shenzhen | Bangalore | Paris | Bogota | Chennai | Jakarta | Lima | Bangkok | Hyderabad | Seoul | Nagoya | London | Chengdu | Tehran | New York | Wuhan | Luanda | Ahmedabad | Xian | Kuala Lumpur | Hangzhou | Hong Kong | Dongguan | Foshan | Riyadh | Shenyang | Surat | Baghdad | Suzhou Jiangsu | Santiago | Dar Es Salaam | Pune | Madrid | Harbin | Toronto | Belo Horizonte |  Khartoum | Johannesburg | Qingdao | Dalian | Barcelona | Fukuoka | St Petersburg | Jinan | Yangon | Zhengzhou | Alexandria | Abidjan | Guadalajara | Ankara | Chittagong | Melbourne | Sydney | Monterrey | Nairobi | Brasilia

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